Street Hawkers | Kampar, Perak Malaysia

Ah Pong (Crispy version) cook


Ah Pong (Crispy version)


Char siu for Lo mei fan


Lo mei fan


Tofu Fah Vendor


Tofu Fah (soy beancurd)


These are the moments I’ve been waiting for! Simply incredible food cooked by these street vendors. A reminder that a fancy kitchen, great decor, and posh looking food is not what makes for a great meal. Humbling to see these hard-working and talented individuals serving such amazing food!

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Street Hawkers of Kampar (information gathered 8/2012)
Kampar, Perak Malaysia
Varies depending on vendor to vendor.

The amount of parking around the area is decent but not many. As the town is fairly small, we typically walked from where we stayed.

Please be advised, all images and content are copyrighted and may not be used without permission. Got questions? Email me: mweats <dot> info <at> gmail <dot> com


Thanks to my family and friends for the tips and info on the food!

One Comment

  1. […] cooked on a flat wok until he deems the dish is ready. Should you still want more, there are street food vendors that are a skip, hop, and step away. Not only would I choose this food court for the great eats, […]

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